Plan Your Workouts

Our program is complete and provides a step-by-step procedure to ensure a healthy diet and maximize the benefits of your workout based on your age, goal, special needs and fitness level. However, you have to actually do the program. Even though we provide the motivation and accountability, you still have to do the workout and follow the dietary recommendation. If you’re working out on your own, not only will you have to make sure you do the workout, but also plan your workouts so they address all types of fitness, are specific to your needs and vary it frequently so you don’t plateau.

You need to work on all types of fitness.

To be your healthiest, you need flexibility, strength, endurance and balance. If you’re planning your own workout, your program should contain exercises that address all these areas. Both strength and flexibility help prevent injury, but strength training without flexibility training is like having a pulled muscle waiting to happen. Endurance and balance training are also important to keep you at your most active. Some exercises work two, three or all these areas, being the most efficient and ensuring you’ll maximize your workout.

You need an exercise plan to ensure you reach your goals.

One reason for setting goals is so you can create and exercise plan that will address those goals. You’ll be more likely to stick with a program if its easy for you to follow. It can also provide a way to measure your success. If you started doing push-ups three weeks ago and could barely do three, but just three weeks later, you’re able to do twenty, it’s easy to see how much you’ve progressed.

There’s no excuse for not working out.

Have you ever been out to eat and found it hard to choose from the menu. There may have been a lot of choices and knowing exactly what you wanted was tough or nothing looked tantalizing. You won’t have to worry about what to do next or lose time searching the internet for the next “best” workout. It’s at the tip of your fingers when you have an exercise plan. It saves time and eliminates that procrastination that can spoil any workout plan.

  • If you’re creating an exercise plan on your own, first list your goal and break it down to achievable smaller goals.
  • Find workouts that are within your capability that include all types of exercise. HIIT—high intensity interval training—workouts using strength building and movement can include endurance, flexibility, balance and strength.
  • When you create your workout, make sure you include a way to measure whether you’ve achieved your goal and a date that you’ll achieve it. For instance, weight loss, inches lost or even number of repetitions can dictate success.
  • If you find it’s just too tough to create an exercise plan that works for you, check out our workout program. I also offer a program to help you eat healthier, so you reach your fitness goals quicker.

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