You Don’t Need Equipment To Workout At Home

When you watch TV or look on the internet, there’s always some “magical” machine that will give you the workout of your life and make losing weight and building muscle easy. Here’s the good news. People have been getting fit long before there were machines invented to help them. In fact, the key to getting fit comes with doing the most scientific combination of exercises. You don’t need equipment to workout at home, you just need the right program.

Bodyweight exercises are the best “no equipment” alternative.

Whether you’re doing strength training, flexibility training or endurance workouts, bodyweight training is especially good. Not only have these exercises provided great outcomes for years, but when combined together in a circuit training style, gives some of the best results available that no machine can match. Creating a circuit training workout can help improve cardio, while boosting strength and flexibility. You can adjust for fitness levels by taking shorter or longer rests between exercises or increasing the number of repetitions. Squats, pushups, lunges and planks all fall under the category of bodyweight exercises.

If you want equipment, it doesn’t have to be expensive.

Resistance bands can be a boon to a workout. Not only are they effective for all muscle groups, they’re easy to carry when you go on vacation, cost very little and take up minimal space for storage. You’ll work your muscles and keep them under tension constantly throughout the workout. A balance or exercise ball is another piece of equipment that doesn’t have to cost a fortune. You can create weights with sand or water and plastic milk jugs or laundry soap containers. Even a jump rope or hula hoop can be a super inexpensive and easy to store piece of equipment.

In the distant past, strong men got strong through work.

How did the old time strongmen train? They really didn’t use special workouts, but instead lived their workout. The ancient Greeks lifted stones, threw them and practiced rope climbing. Ancient Chinese also threw heavy items, did tug of war and other simple activities, besides martial arts, to get into shape. In fact, lifting a ding, a large weighted three legged cauldron was part of the martial arts training. You don’t have to look any further to find ways to boost your strength. Lifting heavy items, even grocery bags or a wooden garage door can help build strength. Doing chores and putting in maximum efforts, like rearranging furniture or washing windows can help too. You’ll be getting two things accomplished at once, getting fit and getting your chores done.

  • If your job is more mental than physical, that doesn’t mean you can’t build strength on the job. Chair exercises like chair pushups and moving for five minutes every hour helps you stay in shape.
  • Take the stairs rather than the elevator or park further from the store or work and walk to improve your endurance. Once you start getting fit, you’ll find ways to boost your workout routine and improve your overall fitness
  • Consistency is the key to any program. Keeping a schedule and sticking with it is important. So is creating goals and tracking and recording your progress.
  • No matter how much you workout, eating healthy should also be a top priority. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet when it comes to weight loss.

For more information, contact us today at Craig Long Fit

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