Fitness & Wellness

Food Pyramid Still Relevant?

Food Pyramid Still Relevant?

If you grew up knowing just what to eat based on the food pyramid, you might have some rethinking to do. While the old food pyramid is out of the door, the new one created by the USDA is far more relevant in light of what is known today. There’s no longer the base of grains with a smaller section divided into fruits and vegetables and an even smaller section divided between milk and protein sources, ending in the tiny top containing healthy fat, oils and sugar treats. That’s no longer considered healthy eating.

The new food pyramid still may not be accurate, although it’s far more flexible than the old.

The old food pyramid simply looks different and doesn’t allow for flexibility, but that doesn’t mean either is right. In fact, some people say the food pyramid may be one of the reasons there’s such an epidemic of obesity. For instance, after the emphasis on the food pyramid and keeping fat lower, there was a huge increase in low fat products, which we now know actually causes people to gain weight. Think about it. It’s highly processed and a healthy diet means a diet that’s far less process.

Should grain be your primary source of calories?

There’s always lobbying groups or special interest groups that affect all the information we get on good health. Those lobbying for grain producers actually affected the amount of cereal and grain products found in the food group. Long ago, a group of Harvard scientists were paid to link fat to heart disease, by the sugar industry, which is why fat of all types is still considered unhealthy by many. Even the type of grain encouraged came from refined highly processed grain products.

The MyPlate model is better, but still not perfect.

My plate emphasizes the types of carbs that are healthier, with fruits and vegetables taking up half the plate, starches and carbs one fourth the area and lean protein the last fourth. There’s also a side of milk products shown. Check the entire MyPlate graphic and you won’t find any healthy fat! A better option is the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate. It not only shows the division of food and includes all types of food, it identifies the healthy ones to eat. Consider how many unhealthy choices you can make when picking protein, such as hot dogs or processed meat. Look at the difference in options between refined flour products and whole grain. The Healthy Eating Plate directs you to the healthy options.

  • The MyPlate model and the food pyramid emphasize drinking milk and dairy. It’s been found to be far less healthy than once thought.
  • The food pyramid includes starchy vegetables like potatoes, with green or other healthy vegetables. A plate of potatoes does not provide all the nutrients you need, even if they do contain chives.
  • There should be more focus on healthy fat like Omega-3 fatty acids, rather than reducing the amount of fat in the diet. Your body needs fat and it helps to keep you feeling full, so you eat less.
  • Learning to eat healthier is the best way to achieve a healthy weight and good health. There are too many things that the MyPlate model or Food Pyramid don’t address or leave to potentially unhealthy discretion.

Better Habits For The Whole Family

Better Habits For The Whole Family

If you’ve been working out for a while and are firmly grounded in eating healthy, you might want to extend that great feeling to those you love and help develop better habits for the whole family. Even if you’re new to the healthier lifestyle, it can also be part of your goal. You’ll be leading by example, for starters, but there’s other ways you can get your spouse, children and maybe even friends on the fitness bandwagon without saying a word.

Be a true leader and a role model.

While your family may not want to go to the gym, or it might not be appropriate for them if they’re younger, you don’t have to drag them to an exercise class to get results. Instead, start looking for ways to make their day more active, while still having fun. Consider family bicycling or going for hikes or nature walks on the weekend. Join the kids in play and keep it active. Consider skating, rollerblading or if the budget is tight, go for family hula hoops and have a blast! It creates both fond memories, fun and a love of activity. It also can burn off some of that energy the kids have bottled up inside them.

Make every opportunity count.

If you take the kids to the grocery with you, park further from the door and if possible, when you go back to the car, have each child carry a bag. The extra walk is worth the effort and carrying bags appropriate to their strength builds muscle tissue. Do you drive the kids a few blocks to school? Don’t. Walk them there instead. You might actually save time, especially if the drop-off line is long. Add extra time by leaving earlier. You still have the walk home.

Make eating healthy an adventure, but not a big deal.

Too often parents reward their child with a sweet treat if they ate their healthy food. That gives the healthy food a reputation for being something you have to tolerate to get to the good stuff. That’s just not right and sets in motion a poor attitude for healthy eating. Instead, find creative ways to introduce healthy eating, like making a favorite dish healthier. Use zucchini noodles for lasagna and spaghetti squash for spaghetti. Let the kids see how the spaghetti is made. It’s fascinating for people of all ages that such yummy pasta-tasting noodles come from a plant. Have healthy snacks, like nuts, veggies and dips already prepared and in the refrigerator or individual bags.

  • If you’re planning a vacation or a trip to an amusement park like Disney, get the family ready for the trip. Whether it’s Dad, Mom or the kids, everyone will enjoy it more if they’re in shape for all the walking.
  • Limit computer time and technology, especially for children. There are studies that show that it can lead to changes in the brain in developing minds that bring on depression in adulthood.
  • Does your family consist of furbabies only or are they part of your family? Playing with them can provide an extra workout for both the furry family member and the non-furry one. Walking, playing catch and a ball and string for kitty will get both moving.
  • Don’t emphasize the healthy part when you’re creating snacks and meals. Remember, it’s just GOOD food. Your kids will grow up identifying it as that and be more likely to eat healthy as adults.

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

One often forgotten, but important, activity for good health is to stay hydrated. It’s simple to understand why it’s so important. Your body is made mostly of water. While the percentage of water varies based on sex and age, the body contains approximately 55-65 % water. The older you get, the less fluid your body has, making dehydration for seniors more of a problem. Your body also needs it for a wide variety of processes and if it’s not available, those processes either aren’t completed or don’t give the results necessary.

Water can help you lose weight.

It’s amazing how water can satisfy your hunger, but it does. That’s because you’re not always hungry, but thirsty. Sometimes, the messages get messed up and you’re ready to eat anything juicy. Foods high in water often have fewer calories, but you don’t always have them available, so will eat anything to satisfy the urge. Drink a glass of water and you’ll be amazed at how it satisfies that hunger. Better yet, carry water with you and sip it throughout the day. You’ll be less likely to grab a snack and have energy to spare. If you’re fighting water weight, drink more water. It acts like a diuretic for excess fluid in the body.

Your body won’t function properly when you’re dehydrated.

Dehydration can be serious. Since you need water to perform many functions, dehydration can cause serious consequences. Your body temperature is regulated with the help of water, but also water is one of the building blocks for cells. Water helps you eliminate waste material from the body and protects the brain by absorbing the shocks. It lubricates the joints and prevents them from becoming achy.

There’s no need for coffee when you have water.

Water can be the quicker picker-upper. If you’re running low on water, your muscles will ache, but also you’ll feel tired and run down. Most people head for the coffee pot, but that might just add to the exhaustion. Coffee has caffeine, which is a diuretic and can actually deplete your body of as much fluid as it provides. The muscle fatigue you’re feeling may come from dehydration. It can actually impede your athletic performance and even academic performance. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and two eight ounce glasses two hours before exercising.

  • All organs contain water, but the amount varies. The heart and brain contains 73 % water, the lungs have 83% and muscles and kidneys contain 79%.
  • If you want to eat less at a meal, drink an 8 oz glass of water before you sit down to eat. Make it ice cold water and you’ll be burning extra calories to warm your body back to normal.
  • Seniors dehydrate faster than younger people. Since one of the signs of dehydration is mental confusion, it’s often mistaken for dementia. Dehydration also causes UTIs by reducing the fluid to flush out bacteria. It may be another signal that seniors need more fluid.
  • Staying hydrated is also important for your skin. You’ll look years younger when you’re adequately hydrated. It won’t create a miracle, since excess water goes to urine, but it will prevent premature drying.

Get A Healthy Breakfast

Get A Healthy Breakfast

I’m finding fewer and fewer people eat a solid breakfast, yet I think it’s one of the most important meals of the day. Luckily, here in Florida, there are fresh options readily available. You aren’t really eating breakfast if you opt for a cup of coffee and a donut. Even a bowl of cereal isn’t enough. Although, depending on the type of cereal, it may be a good start. Breakfast is particularly important if you’re using an intermittent fasting technique where you eat food in an eight hour span and fast for sixteen. The fast ends at seven or eight AM and food is consumed to three or four PM, when the fast begins again.

Be prepared with quick foods you can eat on the go.

One of the biggest problems with breakfast is that it comes at the busiest time for people who work traditional office hours. You can still have a hearty, healthy one if you prepare ahead and have it ready to go with just minor effort and time. Make several mini loaves of a healthy pumpkin, zucchini or banana bread over the weekend. Freeze some and have some ready for the upcoming week. You can spread a tablespoon of nut butter, such as cashew or pecan butter. Another option is to make hard boiled eggs ahead, so they’re ready to go. Mash avocado and use it as you would butter on your toast. Half a grapefruit works as a side for both with the other half ready for a mid-morning snack.

Breakfast helps you lose weight.

Your body needs a whole list of nutrients throughout the day. Trying to get them all with one or two meals is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Breakfast helps you in the area of nutrition, but it also helps you lose weight. If you eat a good breakfast, you’ll be less likely to eat more later in the day. Studies show that breakfast eaters tend to be more likely to be in their ideal weight range and those who skip it tend to be more likely to be overweight. If you eat a good breakfast, you’ll probably skip that mid-morning donut.

If you eat a good breakfast, you’ll do better at work or school.

That long fast at night lowered glucose levels and leaves your brain starved for it. Study after study shows that breakfast consumption can help you in the area of work or school by improving concentration levels and boosting memory. You’ll be less likely to be grumpy, too. Studies on school age children shows that a good breakfast is linked to improved grades and better classroom behavior.

  • Breakfast should have a good balance of carbs, healthy fat, protein and fiber. You’ll get protein for energy later in the day and carbohydrates for energy you need immediately. The healthy fat and fiber keeps you feeling full longer.
  • While it may be impossible to get everyone to the table during the week, a weekend family breakfast not only provides children with a habit of healthy eating, it also can provide great family time, too.
  • Breakfast egg muffins can be made while you shower and eaten on the go. Have all the ingredients ready like steamed broccoli, sliced mushrooms, red pepper and onion, plus some lean meat. Mix that with salt, pepper, milk and eggs and then put in the oven for eight minutes get ready.
  • A smoothie made with frozen fruit is great in the summer. Plain Greek yogurt and some fruit, granola or ground flax seed also makes a quick, healthy breakfast.

Benefits Of Walking

Benefits Of Walking

One of the best benefits of walking is that you get to see and experience so much more of the world around you that you miss when you drive or ride in a vehicle. However, walking also comes with a plethora of health benefits that shouldn’t be overlooked. It’s simple to do and free, actually saving money in some cases if a taxi or Uber was the alternative. The drawback is that it takes more time to do in some cases. For shorter distances, particularly in congested cities, it may actually be quicker.

Not ready for the exercise routine yet? Start walking.

Not everyone is ready to jump in with both feet when it comes to exercise. Increasing the amount of time walking is a good way to get a start on an exercise program, but without the cost or learning curve. Walking more can help reduce the risk of serious conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. While any type of additional activity, such as walking, provides additional exercise, walking at a brisk pace is particularly good.

Walking briskly can be better than running.

You’ll get plenty of exercise when you walk, but not be as at risk of injury as you would be if you ran. Studies show that it may actually be more beneficial for heart health than running is. One major study shows that people who walked regularly actually did fare better when it came to good health than those that ran. That doesn’t mean all runners should stop running and take up walking. It just means that sedentary people will reap benefits from something as simple as walking.

Walking should be part of your workout program, but not the whole program.

While adding walking to your fitness regimen is easy to do and boosts your overall health, it can’t be the cure-all for fitness. It doesn’t provide strength training for the upper body or flexibility training. You will build endurance, but that requires that you walk more briskly. The great part about walking is that you can do it in shorter sessions that are at least ten minutes long. Three ten minute walking sessions in a day is as good as a half hour of walking. It’s also free and can even save money if you’re leaving your car parked.

  • Walking is a weight bearing exercise, which means it helps promote bone density and fights osteoporosis. It also burns extra calories, so it’s a great weight loss aid.
  • You can increase your daily walking in a variety of ways. Just walking to lunch or to the store if it’s relatively close, can boost your daily workout while accomplishing tasks.
  • You’ll burn calories when you walk, but the best type of calorie burner is HIIT—high intensity interval training—workouts. HIIT is a super calorie burner.
  • Change your walk to a HIIT workout. Vary your speed from short bursts of extremely fast walking to slightly longer periods of moderate recovery walking.

Why Do You Plateau

Why Do You Plateau

If you’ve ever faced a weight plateau, you’re like many other people trying to lose those extra pounds. The answer isn’t always simple. I have clients in Florida that have failed before they started to workout with me because they gave up when plateauing occurred. That’s not an option in my book. In fact, there are ways to break through and even avoid it. It’s important to understand why plateauing occurs, first.

One reason plateauing occurs is that the body is an amazingly efficient machine.

That’s right! While efficiency is a good thing, when it comes to exercise and weight loss, it can slow your progression. It means the body burns fewer calories when you’re doing that particular exercise than it did when you first began it. In order to avoid this type of interference with weight loss, the answer is simple. Vary the workout frequently. That’s one reason trainers provide a wide variety of workouts. By changing the workout frequently, your body will always be working at maximum potential and burning more calories.

Expect to lose weight quicker when you first start.

Losing weight is all about the math. Your body has to burn 3500 calories more than it consumes to lose one pound. When you’re heavier, your body needs to burn more calories just to move from place to place and do every day activities. As you shed weight, it burns fewer calories. Those extra pounds are like carrying an extra weight around all day, so it makes sense that when you put the weight down, your calories burned will be fewer. The solution is to either work harder or eat less. It takes constant evaluation of both your workout program and diet to get the results you want.

If the pounds don’t go down, but you’re working hard and eating right, consider other ways to measure progress.

While we always think of getting in shape to look great as watching the scales go down, it’s not always the most reliable information. Yes, you want to lose ten pounds, but what is that actual goal? Is it to look better and feel better? You can judge how you feel, but as far as looking better, what does that mean? If it’s fitting into a smaller size clothing, you might not need to watch the scales glide downward to do it. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does, so when you lose inches, but not pounds, you’re building more muscle tissue. Just like comparing the size of two containers, one holding a pound of feathers and one holding a pound of lead, the one containing lead will be smaller. Maintaining your weight while building muscle tissue also means you’ll be narrower.

  • Shedding weight not only includes what you eat, but also what you drink. If you’re following a healthy diet, but washing down the food with a soft drink, you’re pounding on extra calories that you don’t need. Studies show that diet soft drinks actually add inches to your waist.
  • Don’t weigh yourself every day if you get discouraged easily. There are fluctuations in weight that occur normally, such as water weight, which can give a false picture of progress.
  • You can keep plateauing at bay if you increase your daily activity. Take the stairs, rather than the elevator and park further from the store so you walk more.
  • Find workouts you enjoy. While some of your exercise can be traditional, consider walking, biking or even rock climbing or kickboxing to supplement it. If you have fun, you’ll do it more often.

Tips To Make It Through The Winter

Tips To Make It Through The Winter

Whether you’re dreading the commotion and bustle of the holiday season or simply hate the shorter days and colder weather of winter, sometimes you need a little help to make it through the day. Here are some tips to make it through the winter and help you become healthier in the process. Winter months can cause depression, stemming from the shorter hours of sunlight. Just because you live in sunny Florida, it doesn’t exclude you from Seasonal Affective Disorder, often just called SAD. It’s a condition that interferes with your internal clock causing symptoms of depression, anxiety and low energy.

It may not be all about the sunlight, there are other factors to consider.

It’s colder outside, even though it may not be sub zero temperatures like in the north, that doesn’t mean that temperatures in the 30s and 40s is comfortable. It makes you want to stay inside, under the covers. The holidays have ended and you may find your bank account is almost gone too. You’ve maxed out on the holiday treats and now have sugar cravings and a tin filled with Aunt Mae’s special cookies. Heck, even the fruit cake is starting to look good. So many things can contribute to the holiday and post holiday blahs.

Start by creating a schedule.

Give yourself some structure to help you keep on going, especially on the weekends. It’s easy to veg out and binge watch Netflix, but to avoid that, have a few tasks ready to complete before you start. Begin each day with a quick workout. It doesn’t have to be part of your normal workout, just a jumpstart for the day. Try the four minute nitric oxide dump created by Dr. Zach Bush or other quick routine to get your blood flowing, like a quick series of lunges and squats. Have a list of at least three to four simple tasks to do around the house. You’ll find you feel better almost immediately.

Eat healthier.

What you eat certainly makes a huge difference, just as what you drink does. Cut out the alcoholic drinks and increase your water intake. Often people don’t feel thirsty in the winter, so they get dehydrated more easily. Cut out sugar. It may boost your energy initially, but it dips you down to a valley quickly. Add foods that help boost your mood like, tree nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, avocados or fatty fish that are high in healthy fat that’s necessary to avoid depression. Avoid sugar, but if you get an urge for something sweet, choose fresh fruit. Apple slices with cashew or other nut butter is an amazing energy boost, while also satisfying a sweet tooth.

  • Sleeping too much is just as bad as sleeping too little. Try to get at least seven to eight hours and get to bed and up on a regular schedule.
  • Spend time with friends. This can be especially difficult, especially if friends and family are traveling or if you’ve recently had a change of status, like a divorce or death of a spouse. Try joining a new group with an activity you enjoy, if it’s one that’s active, that’s even better.
  • Stick with water and avoid alcohol. It acts as a depressant and makes everything seem worse.
  • Count your blessings. Too often people dwell on losses, but fail to see all the blessings they have. Every day write down something good that happened or something you’re thankful for and put that message in a jar. When you’re feeling low, read those messages to yourself.

Get Fit Without A Lot Of Equipment

Get Fit Without A Lot Of Equipment

Just because you’re starting a workout program at home, it doesn’t mean you have to shop for bulky expensive equipment. Some people simply don’t have the room or the money for them. You can get fit without a lot of equipment and avoid that expensive dust collector that often doubles as a clothes’ hanger when it’s not in use. That’s one of the benefits of my online program is that it’s designed for people who either don’t have equipment or have some smaller, less expensive items.

Getting strong doesn’t necessarily mean pressing iron.

Do you want strength training without the barbells or dumbbells or simply can’t afford them? Bodyweight exercises are one route to go. Push ups, chin ups and squats are a start. While you might want to invest in some inexpensive doorway pull up bars or resistance bands, you can also improvise by filling milk jugs with water and use it as a kettlebell, which can also cost under $20. Canned goods can also double as weights, so open your cupboards and start working out!

Find ways to include your workout with your daily tasks.

Whether you’re walking to the washer doing lunges or doing leg raises while washing dishes, you can boost the time you workout without varying your routine very much. Of course, you need the traditional workout time where you focus on working all the muscles and get flexibility, strength, endurance and balance exercises as part of your routine. Increasing your daily activity by taking the stairs rather than the elevator, is also important

Our online instruction doesn’t require any extra equipment.

You may want to get a workout mat or have a special small area rug you use for your workouts, but as for big machines, you don’t need them with my program. The program is designed to workout anywhere, any time, so it’s super convenient. There’s a balance of exercises to fit your needs and address all three types of fitness, flexibility, strength and endurance.

  • Consider this, even if you have a complete home gym or a gym membership, the benefits end when you travel. With a program that doesn’t require all the extra equipment, you’ll be ready to workout anywhere, any time.
  • In order to be your healthiest, you need more than just a great workout, you need a healthy diet, too. Eating healthier can boost your weight loss and energy levels.
  • One reason people often buy exercise equipment is that they think it will make them actually workout if they spend money on it. Most of the time, it provides no motivation. Find a group that helps you stay on track for great motivation.
  • Accountability is also important. It’s one reason personal trainers are so popular. It’s easy to skip a few days of working out if nobody knows. Find someone to be accountable to so you stay on track.

What's Your Motivation?

What’s Your Motivation?

Your motivation to get in shape is probably different from your neighbor’s, your friends or even a family member’s. It should be something you truly want to do or you can expect less than stellar results. I can’t tell you how many clients have told me they want to get in better shape because their spouse said they needed to do it. Many of those people failed and those that succeeded actually had their own inner motivation, besides the spouse’s urging. You need to own your motivation to get through the tough parts.

One exception may be the doctor’s suggestion.

You may decide to start a healthy eating program combined with exercise if your doctor suggests it. While it might seem the motivation is coming from the doctor, it’s not. Your desire to be healthy and live longer is what actually gives you motivation, the doctor’s warning just stimulated it and drew it to your attention. Getting healthier means living longer, enjoying life more, suffering less and having more time with your family. I have many older people who want to be able to enjoy their grandchildren and be healthy at their high school graduation and wedding, even seeing the next generation and enjoying them.

You want to have more energy.

There’s no doubt about it, working out and a healthy diet can boost your energy level. For people with this motivation, it’s truly difficult to start a workout program. Often they start when they find they don’t have the energy to do their daily tasks, so adding a program of exercise seems overwhelming. This problem can be solved by starting slow and adding exercise to the daily routine a bit at a time. Depending on the level of exhaustion, it may mean just working out five or ten minutes at a time throughout the day. After a short while, those workouts can be longer and only once a day. If you’re in this category, you’ll be amazed at how much easier your daily tasks become after just a month.

You want to lose weight or have a better looking body.

There’s no doubt about it, exercise will make you look better, but you need to eat healthy, too. The two are inseparable if you want a great looking body and the most effective means of losing weight. You can’t out exercise a poor diet, but you won’t have a toned, shapely body without it. Exercise also helps you build muscle tissue, which burns more calories than fat tissue does. You’ll boost your metabolism to help the pounds drop.

  • Exercise and a healthy diet will help you stay younger looking and feeling longer. Not only do the two put more years on your life, they put more life in those years.
  • Exercise can boost your brain power and help you think clearer. It’s a real asset for anyone whose job is deskbound and can improve your work performance.
  • Exercise can improve your mood. There’s a lot of studies that show exercise can help people who suffer from depression, anxiety and even dementia. It burns off the hormones of stress and triggers the release of happy hormones that make you feel good.
  • Find your motivation. Make it one that truly drives you. Getting in shape can be tough and you need a strong reason when that happens to keep you on the right path.

Keeping Your Skin Beautiful All Year Round

Keeping Your Skin Beautiful All Year Round

If you want beautiful skin, you’re like most people—both male and female. Each person is unique with specific needs. However, there are some general rules that will you in your efforts of keeping your skin beautiful no matter what the season. It starts with recognizing the obvious, whether your skin is oily or dry. Even if your skin is oily, winter months in colder areas can cause surface drying. That means heavier moisturizers and attention to exfoliating. While you should exfoliate all through the years, it’s especially important when the air is dry, which causes dead skin cells to accumulate.

Eat healthier for beautiful skin.

Your skin is your body’s largest organ, so it makes sense that if a poor diet negatively affects other organs, like the heart, it affects the skin, too. There’s been a known link between dull skin and acne breakouts and certain foods. Diets high in sugar, processed foods and even dairy has been linked to problem skin. However, focusing on what helps build healthier skin is easier than listing all the things that aren’t. Fatty fish like salmon, avocados, walnuts, seeds and fresh vegetables are particularly good for the skin. Salmon, walnuts, seeds, avocados are high in healthy fat, which the skin requires to remain moist, supple and healthy. Salmon and walnuts are particularly high in Omega-3 fatty acids that can help prevent inflammation.

Go to the gym or workout at home.

Sweating away skin problems and working out toward healthy skin is a good way to ensure your appearance. First, exercise boosts circulation. That send nutrients and oxygen to all cells, especially skin cells. It helps remove waste and flush out the toxins, sending them to the liver for neutralizing. It reduces stress, which can help with problems like eczema and acne. Stress hormones have a negative effect on sebaceous glands that can cause oily skin.

Drink plenty of water.

There’s a lot of debate on whether water will help your skin, but everyone agrees that it certainly won’t hurt it and your body needs to stay hydrated. While people have reported that it helped acne and if their skin was dry, gave it more of a glow, one thing is certain, it will help rid your body of toxins. That’s bound to help your skin look better. Check it out for yourself by increasing your water intake to at least 8 glasses a day and see what it does for your skin in two or three years.

  • Make sure you keep your skin clean. You touch a lot of germs each day and then touch your skin. To make matters worse, you probably put a germ covered phone next to your face. Use toner after you was and then slather on cream in the winter.
  • Don’t forget sunscreen. You do need the benefits of vitamin D from sun, but also need to ensure you don’t get too much exposure. Healthy exposure is important, but use common sense and adjust the SPF level to your skin and level of tan.
  • Learn to relax. Stress can cause skin to break out or break down faster, making you look older than you should.
  • Long hot showers are helping you. They may feel seriously delicious, but hot water can strip away the oils that protect the body after a time. Make the water a bit cooler (warm not hot) and shorten the time.