
Inflammation And Diet

Inflammation And Diet

I get a lot of questions from clients in Florida and other areas about the effect of diet on inflammation. There is a connection and there’s even a new branch of the medical field studying the effects of food on illness or rather, focusing on food for health. Inflammation isn’t bad. It’s a natural process […]

Food Can Taste Good AND Be Healthy

Contrary to some people’s belief, food can taste good and be healthy. In the past, there’s been food offered that was loaded with vitamins and processed to include plenty of protein and other nutrients. Those products often tasted like vitamin soaked cardboard, giving healthy food a bad reputation. Seriously, there’s no reason to eat “processed” […]

The Importance Of Meal Planning

The Importance Of Meal Planning

I’ve watched clients roll their eyes when I suggest adding meal planning and preparation to their fitness program. While meal planning doesn’t necessarily mean you prepare all your meals on the weekend, it’s the way most people with who work outside the home do it. It’s a great way to have your meals and snacks […]

Food Journals

Food Journals

If you’re like many of my Florida clients, you probably never considered food journals as a technique to shed weight. It’s worth a try because it not only helps you stick with a diet program, it tells a lot about what’s causing the weight gain. The catch is that it takes some time, but you […]

How To Set SMART Goals And Achieve Them

How To Set SMART Goals And Achieve Them

It doesn’t matter whether you’re going for a title in body building, hoping to boost your energy or trying to lose weight, to achieve the most, you need to set SMART goals. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound. Those words are the outline for the most successful goal setting. First, […]

3 Ways To Reset Your Hormones

3 Ways To Reset Your Hormones

You might think you have a strange set of symptoms that don’t quite go together. That adolescent acne may be back, even though you have a few wrinkles beside those pimples. You may have thinning hair, constipation and weight gain or simply just feel exhausted. These are all signs that you may need to reset […]

Is Dairy Bad For You

Is Dairy Bad For You

Is dairy bad or is it super healthy? That’s a hotly debated question. You’ll get a lot of different views on having dairy in your diet and some, more non-conventional views that identify the type of dairy like raw milk. One thing is certain, not everyone can tolerate dairy. Some people even have allergies to […]